To resolve this please complete the following steps. At the moment Jenna your previous installation of Creative Cloud is likely interfering with the licensing of Creative Suite 6. When it is time to install Master Collection CS6 you will need to use the workaround of using the Terminal to begin the installation process. Please make sure to bookmark the workaround referenced by Ned in message 2 of this discussion. I've been using CC for the past 4 years but had a CS6 serial sitting around from when I first enrolled in college Sept This isn't a new Mac, I've had it since May I'm operating with Mac OS Sierra v Thanks for the update Jenna. If this is a new Mac did you transfer over any files from the previous Mac to this computer? I'm installing CS6 because my previous CC membership expired. Can you provide a bit more background Jenna. The serial number should be accepted by the installation files available at Download Adobe Creative Suite 6 applications.