If anyone is upset because more care was taken to presenting how Malkavian’s and mental illness is portrayed, then it’s incredibly difficult to empathise with anyone with that mindset. The way I interpreted this was that more research was done before Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs (developers and publishers respectively).
Now whilst I can understand this concern, This quote itself does not state anything about Malkavians themselves. The concern for some is that the Malkavian playthrough in VtMB 2 will not be as brilliantly bizarre as it famously was in VtMB and were a walking parody of mental illness, or would even be in the game at all (at the time of this news was published). This clan was one of seven playable in VtMB.

I believe this caused some concern to those who are fans of the Malkavian clan, who are vampires (or Kindred, the VtM word for it) that have the curse of madness, something that each Malkavian gains a degree of after their Embrace.